Ready To Find True Love With A Chaser? Unlock All The Doors That Have Kept You From Having A Relationships With Chasers.
Overcome Challenges, Embrace Confidence, and Find the Chaser Who Appreciates You for You!
Are you tired of searching for genuine love in the Chub and Chaser community without success? Do you find it challenging to connect with people who truly understand and appreciate you for who you are? You're not alone, and I understand the struggles you've faced. But there's good news - there's a real solution to your dating dilemmas!
Here's the problem...
Finding a meaningful relationship with a chaser in the Chub and Chaser community can be a daunting task. Many individuals encounter difficulties, including:
Being frustrated stops today!
A collection of Training Audios and 1 Video created to help you get clarity on the challenges you have faced. And how to move forward with finding a committed relationship with a chaser. Finally find solutions to the roadblocks that have stopped you from creating that relationship you seek. What makes this starter pack different is that it will help you focus on connecting only with chasers who are ready for relationships. Saving you tons of wasted time.
The Find Love With A Chaser Starter Pack comes with the following:
In this straight to point 20 minute video training, you will learn 10 things chasers don't want you know about them, what that means to you when trying to date them and how to use that to bond deeply.
You will finally understand "The Why" behind chasers actions and how to use them to connect with a chaser that is seeking a serious relationship.
Imagine finally knowing and understanding the red flags signs that pop up and how to handle them. Feel confident because you have taken your power back. You now understand this chaser and can decide from a place of confidence if this is worth your time investment.
Valued at $67
Here's what you will learn in this video:
5 Steps To Prepare Yourself To Find Love In The Chub And Chaser Community
In this 45 minute training audio you will get the EXACT action steps to take that will prepare you to find the committed relationship you seek with a chaser.
No more wondering if you are posting the right photos, saying the right words or making the right choices when it comes to finding the right chaser partner anymore.
You will know ahead of time the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and most importantly, WHY.
This audio will be your foundation and GPS for navigating the journey of finding love with a chaser.
Valued at $67
Here's what you will learn in this audio:
Questions That Need To Be Asked If You Plan To Find Love In The Chub And Chaser Community
Questions are the key to clarity. And in this 45 minute audio training, you discover the questions you should not only be asking chasers but yourself.
In order to eventually have a serious relationship (one not built on lies or misunderstanding), very SPECIFIC questions need to be asked to make sure everyone is on the same page.
You are taken through a series of questions that help you get clarity on what a relationship means to you, what you expect from a chaser and much more.
This is a must have if you are serious about having a relationship.
Valued at $67
Here's what you will learn in this audio:
Face Your Dating Fears In The Chub And Chaser Community
Whether you are new to the idea that smaller guys love your big frame or a seasoned chub, we all have fears of dating someone new who could possibly be the one.
In this 62 minute training audio you discover how to tackle the major fears that keep chubs and chasers from connecting.
Imagine being able to feel confident in your ability to not even think about what chasers may say to try and hurt your feelings or make you feel bad because you know your worth and how to handle that situation if it arises.
That unstoppable confidence will show and attract for you on autopilot.
Valued at $67
Here's what you will learn in this audio:
Manifest Love In The Chub And Chaser Community
Where you are currently, with or without a relationship, is because you have manifested it. Whether you know it or not, you are always manifesting and what you believe and act on are the keys to manifesting love.
In this 45 minute audio we take a look at your beliefs about finding love with a chaser and what you can do to make that a reality.
Finally have that moment when your chaser pulls you close, looks in your eyes and says,
"I love you so much". Feel that wave of love and certainty build in your heart as you look him in the eyes and say, " I love you too". Knowing that the universe helped bring you two together to find the love of your lives.
Valued at $67
Here's what you will learn in this audio:
Create A One And Done Strategy To Find Love In The Chub And Chaser Community
Finding love is different for everyone because they have different resources to use on their journey. But the foundation is still the same. In this 48 minute training audio, I tell you how to use that foundation to create your very own strategy to find love with a chaser.
I must be crazy for even offering this in this pack because, you don't need anymore guidance once you put this strategy in motion.
Honestly, if I were starting over, this would be the audio I would use to find love in the chub and chaser community.
Valued at $67
Here's what you will learn in this audio:
😮That is a TOTAL VALUE of $402😮
And there is more...
With Our Confidence Bonus:
Get Access To 5 Confidence Boosting Reports
That Will Help You Up Your Finding Love Game.
How To Date Confidently As A Chubby Gay Man
In this report you get an overview of some of the confidence challenges that chubby gay men have come to me for assistance with. And more importantly, solutions to those challenges that will help you find love. Having a clear action plan to overcome these challenge has given them more confidence to date in the chub and chaser world again.
9 Confidence Traits To Attract Chasers
Being confident is shown through your actions. Those confident behaviors leave an obvious trail that chasers are drawn to. When confidence becomes a part of you, these traits will come naturally and bring the attention of chasers with them. In this worksheet I outline the traits that compile solid committed relationships during the attracting phase of finding a relationship.
11 Tips To Build Confidence
Building confidence is one of the most empowering journeys I’ve undertaken. It has personally allowed me to find my inner strength and speak to audiences about my passion for helping chubby gay men find relationships.
In this report you receive 11 tips all focused on finding love with a chaser.
If I can help build your confidence by just a third of what I feel, then I have succeeded.
5 Ways To Attract A Chaser
This report will up your game when it comes to attracting chasers. As a chaser myself and a coach, I show you how to attract a chaser in a way that is focused on the end game, creating a committed relationship. Let’s begin building your dating confidence with ease by using skills you already possess. Now you have the assistance of a chaser, a coach and a partnering mentor dedicated to finding you a relationship.
Relationship Ready Essentials
Qualities are the foundation on which relationships are based. Most relationships will fail because these qualities have not been predetermined. I've compiled a list of 7 qualities that must be in place before you consider a chaser as a potential partner. Some of these qualities are apparent but others hold a much deeper meaning later when it comes to maintaining a relationship'
And one more life changing bonus...
A Priceless Special Bonus:
Access To My Free Private
"Finding Love With A Chaser"
Facebook Community
So who is this for?
Who is this not for?
Sometimes things are not for everyone and that is okay, let me list out some reasons the Find Love With A Chaser Starter Pack may not be a great fit:
Frequently Asked Questions!
I hear ya. Begin with "5 Steps To Prepare Yourself To Find Love In The Chub And Chaser Community". Then jump into Understanding Chasers Now. Finish the remaining audios and use the bonuses as needed.
Absolutely! We got you covered. Use the 5 Confidence Bonuses to build confidence in yourself and dive into the audios. You're confidence will increase after each audio.
This pack is a Stater Package. It's designed to give you the foundation to find love with a chaser who is looking for a serious relationship. It's not an overnight fix and it does requires work on your part on some things that aren't included in this package. But by taking the parts on one at a time, you will get there.
I made a mission for 2024, that I would help 200 chubs find the committed relationships they seek. This offer is to give a larger group of chubs a taste of what's possible so eventually we can work together on finding love for you in the future.
Since the products are digital in nature and you have access right away there are no refunds available. So please be certain that you do want to have the solutions offered in this Starter Pack before purchasing.
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